Birth Chart Reading Gift Certificate


Birth Chart Reading Gift Certificate


Please email me at to set up a time for your reading.

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A birth chart reading helps us see what gifts and challenges we came into this life with and how we can use them. It shows us how our head and heart speak to each other. What kind of emotions we have, how our mind works and how our ego is placed. It's a blueprint specific to each person.

What we need this life is for everyone to just be who they TRULY are. To stand in their truth and to come alive in that. To have permission to be who we are, to connect with what our truth really is.

This listing is for a phone call birth chart reading with me. A conversation where we go over what your challenges and gifts are, we go into every aspect of your chart and where the planets were when you were born and how they speak to each other. This is much deeper than just your sun sign.

We will also go over the currently cycle of life you are currently in and a reading of your transiting planets (what energies you are experiencing right now and through the rest of the year) 

The conversation lasts 1-1.5 hours long. Once you purchase the listing, I will message you and we will setup a time to speak over the phone. When our conversation is over I will email you the recording along with the image of your birth chart. It also includes how the transiting planets are affecting you for the rest of the year.

For this reading I will need:

Your name

Your birthdate

Your exact birth time (if you don't have this I can still do the reading, it just helps me see another layer.)

Location of where you were born. (City and state).