soul blueprint plug-in program

A YEAR LONG, ONCE A MONTH PLUG IN - to align you to your unique Astrological Soul Blueprint so you can move through the year with ease and flow.


  • You are looking for ease in your year, more freedom and more flow.

  • You would like to live more in ease by understanding THE ENERGY invitation every month 

  • You are looking for DIRECTION & support and to be empowered on a monthly basis.

  • You want to keep leveling up, heal deeper layers and understand and love yourself even more.

  • You want to be in alignment with you soul blueprint and know how each season affects for you specifically.  

The Soul Blueprint Plugin Program is a transformative journey designed to align you with your deepest essence and the unique path outlined by the stars at your birth.

At the heart of this program is the profound belief in the power of understanding your soul mission and how celestial influences shape your life's journey. By integrating my intuitive insights with the ancient wisdom of astrology, this program offers a personalized roadmap to navigate life's challenges and opportunities with grace and intention.

Key benefits of the Soul Blueprint Plugin Program include:

1. Personalized Guidance: Tailored specifically to your astrological makeup, this program provides insights that resonate deeply with your individual journey, offering clarity and direction in both personal and professional spheres.

2. Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: By understanding the astrological energies at play throughout the year, you can make aligned choices that flow with these forces rather than against them, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

3. Deepened Self-Understanding: Delving into your soul blueprint sheds light on your inherent strengths, challenges, and potential, empowering you to live authentically and pursue your true purpose.

4. Navigational Tool for Life's Journey: Equipped with knowledge about your soul mission and the astrological influences affecting you, you're better prepared to face life's ebbs and flows, turning obstacles into stepping stones towards your goals.

5. Enhanced Intuition and Decision-Making: The program nurtures your intuition, enabling you to make decisions that are not only informed by astrological insights but also deeply rooted in your inner wisdom.

Understanding your soul mission and the role of astrology is paramount in this journey. It's not merely about predicting the future; it's about unlocking the unique code of your existence and harmonizing with the cosmic dance. By aligning with your soul blueprint, you tap into a powerful source of guidance, making life a more intentional and meaningful adventure. The Soul Blueprint Plugin Program is more than just a program; it's a companion on your journey to self-discovery and actualization, keeping you attuned to the celestial rhythms that guide your path.

“Shout to Stevie the incredible soul of

@farmhousemoon I have worked with Stevie for several years now and she is such an incredible wise kind grounded guide in soul blueprint astrology.

She is deep and an absolutely impeccable space holder if you are looking for a quide to shine a light on the star wisdom your chart holds a deep dive with her will have you inspired on your earth mission and seeing yourself with more compassion clarity and purpose. “

~Lacey E

This is what your life looks like when we work together:

♦ Imagine being SO in alignment with yourself, and your soul that you are able to move through your days with ease, creating peace and joy in every area of your life. 

♦ Imagine really having what you want… freedom, flexibility and deep meaning without sacrificing anything.  

♦ Imagine you are clear on what you are meant to do in this life and how your life aligns with it.

♦ Imagine you have clarity on each month’s energy so you can create more meaning in your life. 

This will be your reality inside of the Soul Blueprint plugin Program!

The Program Includes:   

12 LIVE check in’s a year - once a month we will meet and go over the last few weeks. We will talk all about what you can expect over the upcoming months. We will discuss the cycles you are in and how you can best use the energy so you can live more in flow.

Only a few spots available!

Benefits of the Program

  • Deepen your understanding of your soul mission and life purpose

  • Gain clarity on your strengths, passions, and areas for growth

  • Develop a stronger connection to your inner self and intuition

  • Gain insight into your personal astrology and how to work with the cosmic energies     

  • Learn how to use astrology as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth    

  • Understand how to navigate challenges and opportunities with greater ease

  • Receive guidance on how to navigate challenges and opportunities every month    

  • Practical advice on how to make the most of the current astrological energies  

  • Support and encouragement to help you stay on track with your soul mission

What can I say about Stevie…she is a wonderful combination of heart, soul, intuition and inspiration. I especially love the way she is able to use her astrological wisdom and connect those dots to your heart & soul…and day to day life. She sees the best in you and helps you see the best in yourself too!! Stevie helped me see how joyful my life is when I am in alignment with my authentic self. I left my sessions with an extra spring in my step and a better understanding of myself and my life’s purpose.
— Lisa G

I am an Intuitive Soul Blueprint Alchemist and I am so looking forward to guiding you through the entire year, every month. You will walk away feeling understood, in flow and empowered.

My promise to you is to align you to your unique Alchemical Soul Blueprint so that you get clear on your life path, take confident steps towards balanced and stress-free life, and feel more joyful, free, and financially secure.

If you feel the need to ask me something before applying, send me an email to ( and I will get right back to you to help you decide if this program is right for you.